Buyer Be Aware

To protect you from unscrupulous, unauthorized dealers and internet scam artists, we want to alert you that GoldenEar products are only offered for sale by authorized GoldenEar dealers.

The only place to buy GoldenEar products online is on or one of our authorized GoldenEar online dealers: AudioLab, Audio Advice, Crutchfield, Gramophone, Safe & Sound, and Upscale Audio. If someone offers you a GoldenEar product by mail order or from a different internet site, they are offering you gray market goods. Goods without warranty, goods that may not actually be “new”, goods that you may never even see even after you have paid for them. Many times these are bait and switch operations that are unrelenting once they have your credit card information. Don’t be fooled! Whatever they claim to be saving you will undoubtedly cost you more later, it always does. Always remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

WARNING: Any products purchased from an unauthorized dealer will not carry a factory warranty. To protect from this, make sure to verify the dealer’s status as an authorized GoldenEar dealer using our website Dealer Locator (or by calling the GoldenEar customer service number) before making your purchase.